Advanced Multi-exciter Dynamic Testing since 1961

Report Generation Forms

Pre and Post-Test Forms

A fully customizable pre-test form can be generated by the user using simple HTML. This, for example, could include any operator information or a checklist of items to verify before the test begins. If enabled, the user is prompted with this form prior to the test starting, requiring the user to fill out any necessary information or taking notes of procedures needed before the test begins. Simple HTML pages can be imported from any editor to be used with a form. It is easy to create simple controls such as checkboxes, edit fields or drop downs. Additionally, a post-test form can be generated at the completion of the test.

Test Synopsis

At the end of each test, a Test Synopsis file is created, which can be appended to the document using Report Generation. This contains test statuses as well as setup information.

Random Test Synopsis

Test Name: "C:\Users\Public\Spectral Dynamics\Test Setups\RANRCT_demo_report.ran"
Data File: "C:\Users\Public\Spectral Dynamics\SDD Data\RANRCT_demo_report.sdd"
Test Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023
Test Time: 07:13
Channel File: 
Profile File: 
Schedule File: 
Reference Import: victory_06Jun00_132556_1

Test Results:
   Reason For Shutdown: Normal Test Completion

   Initial Test Level:    -6 dB
   Time at Initial Level: 12 Loops
   Elapsed Test Time:     0000:000:010
   Remaining Test Time:   0000:000:000

Control Stategy - Average
   Control Mode: Automatic
   Stored Drive: No
   Loop Gain:    Low
   Spectral Smoothing: Off
   Control DOF:       120
   Auxiliary DOF:    120
   Resolution:        400 Lines
   Minimum Frequency: 5.00 ( DeltaF )
   Maximum Frequency: 2000.00

Data Storage Setup
   File: Default
   Save On Level Change:  Yes
   Save Every 60 Seconds: Yes
   Save On Alarm:         No
   Save On External:      No

Acquisition Setup
   Monitor Averaging Type: Exponential

Print Automation Setup
   Enabled: No
   Print: Last Frame
   SGT Files:

Safety Limits
   Alarm Lines: Percent, 5
   Abort Lines: Percent, 5
   Sigma Clipping: 6.00
   GRMS: dB
     Alarm# 3.00
     Abort# 6.00
   Loop Check:
     Max Noise: 50.00 mV RMS
     Max Drive: 10.00 mV RMS
   CSL Sensitivity: Standard

Shaker Limits
   Acceleration: 50.0000
   Velocity: 70.0000
   Displacement: 1.0000
   Velocity: 12.0000
   Symetric Limits: Yes

Ch Data
    Name     Serial #   Type        Sensitivity Weighting RMS Abort ICP Coupling dB Ref
#01 CH 1     1234       Control     100.00      0.00      30.00     Off DC       1.0000
#02 CH 2     2345       Measurement 100.00      0.00      30.00     Off DC       1.0000
#03 CH 3     3456       Measurement 100.00      0.00      30.00     Off DC       1.0000
#04 CH 4     4567       Measurement 100.00      0.00      30.00     Off DC       1.0000

Control Channel - Profile Settings
     Status  Frequency  Level    Slope   Lo Alarm  Hi Alarm  Lo Abort  Hi Abort
#00  On      10.0       0.0001   -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#01  On      50.0       0.01     -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#02  On      80.0       0.01     -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#03  On      90.0       0.1      -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#04  On      120.0      0.1      -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#05  On      130.0      0.01     -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#06  On      500.0      0.01     -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
#07  On      2000.0     0.0001   -----   3.0       3.0       6.0       6.0  
Profile GRMS Level: 3.15925

Schedule Levels
   Level Increment: 3
   Startup Rate: 20
   Shutdown Rate: 30

Schedule Data
     Status   Level     Time at Level   Time to Level   Action
#00  On       0.0000    000:00:10    000:00:00    Continue

Sequence Data

     Nothing Defined

Spectral Dynamics, Inc. is a leading worldwide supplier of systems and software for vibration testing, structural dynamics, and acoustic analysis. Spectral Dynamics' products are used for design verification, product testing and process improvement by manufacturers of all types of electronic and mechanical products.

2199 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131-2109
Tel: (800) 778-8755

Vibration Controllers