Advanced Multi-exciter Dynamic Testing since 1961
Technical Papers
JAGUAR/255X Workstation based Acquisition and Control System
- Design concepts for a 588 channel Acquisition and Control System (PDF)
- An Advanced Random Shaker Control Algorithm (PDF)
- An Advanced Sine Control Algorithm Control System Dynamic Range (PDF)
- Networking and Remote Communication on a Workstation-based Shaker Control System (PDF)
The STAR System
- Measuring the Vibrational Behavior of a Baseball/Softball Bat (External Link)
- A study of DSP errors caused by improper ADC settings (PDF)
- Impulse Techniques for Structural Frequency Response Testing (PDF)
- Effective Measurements for Structural Dynamics Testing - Part I (PDF)
- Effective Measurements for Structural Dynamics Testing - Part II (PDF)
- Understanding Modal Parameter Technology and Mode Shape Scaling (PDF)
- Identification of the Modal Properties of an Elastic Structure From Measured Transfer Function Data (PDF)
Spectral Dynamics, Inc. is a leading worldwide supplier of systems and software for vibration testing, structural dynamics, and acoustic analysis. Spectral Dynamics' products are used for design verification, product testing and process improvement by manufacturers of all types of electronic and mechanical products.
2199 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131-2109
Tel: (800) 778-8755